Sold Selling [fgo/na] Cheap Fresh Accounts: Gilgamesh/Waver/Jeanne w 4* Ticket, LF: Paypal

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spi23, 7/8/17.

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  1. Spi23

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    Selling FGO/NA fresh accounts (only tutorial done) with various SSR of your choice.

    Selling via Paypal - USD [#] - Buy more get #
    kindly pm on:
    Discord: Spiritz#8483 /
    Line: hongli95

    Accounts with pictures & price are in here:

    Jeanne - Best Ruler/Waifu (Versatile in any team)
    Waver - No. 2 Caster(No.1 Merlin)/Best Supporter (Versatile in any team)
    Gilgamesh - King of Kings/Husbando (Damage, Crit & Deal more damage to other SERVANTS!)
    Vlad - Vampire Basaka Uncle (Burst, NP easily filled up)
    Altria - FSN Saber/Waifu <3

    2 5* SSR
    (1) 5* Jeanne, Altera, 4* Chevalier (x2), 5* CE: Kaleidoscope

    (5) 5* Jeanne, Vlad, 4* Stheno, Chevalier, 5* CE: Kaleidoscope, Limited/Zero Over

    (10) 5* Gilgamesh (x2), 4* Emiya [Diamond left:15]

    (12) 5* Waver (Zhu Ge Liang), Altria. 4* Siegfried, Elisabeth [Diamond left:15]

    (16) 5* Gilgamesh, 4* Elisabeth, Cat

    (17) 5* Gilgamesh, 4* Stheno x2 [Diamond left:15] - SOLD

    (18) 5* Gilgamesh, 4* Lancelot, Elisabeth [Diamond left:15]

    Waver (Zhu Ge Liang)
    (2) 5* Waver (Zhu Ge Liang), 4* Lancelot, Chevalier, 5* CE: Imaginary Around

    (3) 5* Waver (Zhu Ge Liang), 4* Lancelot (x2), Stheno, Siegfried, 5* CE: Imaginary Around, Kaleidoscope, Limited/Zero Over

    (4) 5* Waver (Zhu Ge Liang), 4* Emiya, Marie, 5* CE: Imaginary Around, Kaleidoscope

    (9) 5* Jeanne, 4* Elisabeth, 5* CE: Kaleidoscope

    (14) 5* Jeanne, 4* Lancelot (x2), Siegfried, 5* CE: Heaven's Feel [Diamond left:15]

    (6) 5* Vlad, 4* Emiya (x3), Heracles, Lancelot, Carmilla, Marie, 5* CE: Heaven's Feel

    (7) 5* Vlad, 4* Emiya, Marie, Martha, 5* CE:Formal Craft, Prisma Cosmos x2

    (13) 5* Vlad, 4* Elisabeth

    (8) 5* Altria, 4* Siegfried, 5* CE: Imaginary Around

    (15) 5* Altria, 4* Chevalier, Martha [Diamond left:15]

    Story Done
    (11) 5* Altria, 4* Emiya, Heracles, Chevalier, Cat, 5* CE:Heaven's Feel (x2), Kaleidoscope, Limited/Zero Over (x2), Imaginary Around
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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