Sold Selling Ffxiv eu odin account nin war monk dark mains steam account hs with ps4 arr

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by neson, 2/25/17.

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  1. neson

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    Selling account FFXIV EU Odin. Steam account. Everything done before patch 3.4 and main scenario and EX trials. Every crafters 60 lvl exept BSM, WWR and ALC 4* CRP 3* rest have everything exept main and offhands. Nin 236 ilvl with relic weapon(230) mnk war drk 225 (wep 230+). battle classes 60 lvl: mnk war nin blm shc drk.
    Have past all trials and raids in ARR, have 4 hourses from EX trials, and 1 bird (Bismarck). Done a lot of events. 642 player commendation. 57 title for name. 4270 achievements points. 27 rank pvp.52 minions. 2.7 mil gil. For screens or any info skype: dalaran123. 550$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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