Selling [Selling] FFXiV character/PvP rank Powerleveling and more! EU Legit/Fast/Cheap!

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tiny-_-Dreamer, 7/13/17.

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  1. Tiny-_-Dreamer

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    Hello! Tiny-_-Dreamer is here - experienced player that will gladly help you with your powerleveling on PC platform EU region!

    I do everything by my own without cheating/bots etc!

    You can PM me here or via skype: Tiny-_-Dreamer or Discord: Tiny-_-Dreamer!

    Paypal method payment.

    FFXiV character main class PL: l FFXiV character alt class PL: l FFXiV PvP rank Pl:

    1-15 lvl main 1 day delivery 12.5$ l 1-15 lvl alt 1 day 10$ l 1-10 PvP rank 1-2 days 17$

    1-20 lvl main 1 day 15$ l 1-20 lvl alt 1 day 12$ l 10-20 PvP rank 2-3 days 22$

    1-25 lvl main 2 days 25$ l 1-25 lvl alt 2 days 18$ l 1-20 PvP rank 3-4 days 35$

    1-30 lvl main 3-4 days 35$ l 1-30 lvl alt 3-4 days 25$ l 20-30 PvP rank 4 days 30$

    1-40 lvl main 5 days 55$ l 1-40 lvl alt 5 days 40$ l 30-40 PvP rank 5-6 days 40$

    1-42 lvl main 6 days 60$ l 1-42 lvl alt 6 days 42$ l 40-50 PvP rank 6-7 days 50$

    1-45 lvl main 6 days 65$ l 1-45 lvl alt 6 days 47$

    1-50 lvl main 7-8 days 75$ l 1-50 lvl alt 7-8 days 53$

    1-55 lvl 9-10 days 105$ l 1-55 lvl 9-10 days 75$

    1-60 lvl 10-12 days 135$ l 1-60 lvl 10-12 days 95$

    20-25 lvl 1 day 7$ l 20-25 lvl 1 day 5$

    25-30 lvl 1 day 7$ l 25-30 lvl 1 day 5$

    30-35 lvl 1 day 7$ l 30-35 lvl 1 day 5$

    35-40 lvl 1 day 7$ l 35-40 lvl 1 day 5$

    40-45 lvl 1 day 7$ l 40-45 lvl 1 day 5$

    45-50 lvl 1 day 7$ l 45-50 lvl 1 day 5$

    50-55 lvl 2-3 days 25$ l 50-55 lvl 2-3 days 18$

    55-60 lvl 3 days 25$ l 55-60 lvl 3 days 18$

    FFXiV Challenge Log completion:

    Dungeons + Player Comendation 1-2 days 25$

    Guildhests + Player Comendation 1-2 days 25$

    PvP Feast + Player Comendation 1-2 days 25$

    PvP Frontline Participation + Player Comendation 1-2 days 17$

    Fates 1 day 25$

    Levequests 1 day 25$

    Companions 1 day 17$

    Gold Saucer Mini-games 1 day 7$

    Gold Saucer Gates 1 day 15$

    Gold Saucer Chocobo Races 3 runs + 1 win 1 day 10$

    Gold Saucer Chocobo Races 20 runs + 10 win 1 day 40$

    Gold Saucer Triple Triad 5 matches + 3 wins 1 days 10$

    Gold Saucer Triple Triad 10 matches + 10 wins 1 days 25$

    Gold Saucer Lord of Verminion 1 day 10$

    Gold Saucer 5 challenges 1 day 25$

    Gold Saucer 10 challenges 1-2 days 75$

    Gold Saucer 15 challenges 2-3 days 105$

    Gold Saucer 20 challenges 3-4 days 145$

    Gold Saucer 30 challenges 5 days 195$

    FFXiV Content Progression - I can open Side content that you wouldn't open via MainStoryQuest. I will only open it so you can complete content(dungeons/trials for example) or could use some game functions(retainer ventures/armoury). To do it I need your character at max level/gear ilvl for tier that you chose and MSQ + previous instance/quests completed if needed. You can check it here at progression guide:Progression and Level Locked Content – Gamer Escape

    1-20 lvl (Hunting logs + Mist + Goblet + Armoury System + Guildhests + Lavender Beds + Step/Ball/Harvest Dance emote + Gold Saucer + Challenge log +
    Dye + Aesthetician + Coeurl Kitten/Wolf Pup minions + Hall of the Novice + Retainer Ventures + Palace of the Dead + Convert/Meld Materia(only if you have crafter class lvl 20)
    1-2 days 35$

    20-40 lvl (Grand Company + Chocobo mount + Sightseeing log + Halatali dungeon + Chigoe Larva minion + Advanced Materia melding(only if you have crafter 25 lvl) + White Wolf Gate access + Chocobo Companion access + Desynthesis(only if you have crafter 30 lvl) + PvP access + The Sunken Temple of Qarn dungeon + Tresure Hunting + Throw emote + Cutter's Cry dungeon 1 day 17$

    40-50 (Kobold/Ixal/Sylph/Amal'jaa quests + The Dzemael Darkhold dungeon + Sahagin quests + The Aurum Vale dungeon + Cactuar Cutting minion) 1 day 12$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 45-55 (The Hunt + Glamours + Amdapor Keep/Wanderer's Palace dungeons + Hildibrand quests + Delivery Moogle quests + Relic Weapon path) 1 day 12$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 55-65 (Pharos Sirius/Copperbel Mines(Hard)/Haukke Manor(hard) dungeons + Ifrit(Hard) trial) 1 day 5$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 65-75 ( Garuda(Hard)/Titan(Hard) trials + Brayflox's Longstop(Hard)/Halatali(Hard)/The Lost City of Amdapor dungeons + Labyrinth of the Ancients raid) 1 day 12$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 75-85 (The Binding Coil of Bahamut/Syrcus Tower raids + The Minstrel's Ballad:Ultima's Bane/Garuda(Extreme) trial+ Hullbreaker Isle/The Tam-Tara Deepcroft(Hard)/The Stone Vigil(Hard) dungeons) 1 day 12$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 85-95 (Sastasha(Hard)/The Sunken Temple of Qarn(Hard) + The Second Coil of Bahamut raid + The Moogle King(Extreme)/Leviathan(Extreme) trials) 1 day 12$

    50 lvl + gear ilvl 95-110 (The World of Darkness raid + Amdapor Keep(Hard)/The Wanderer's Palace(Hard) dungeons + Odin/Ramuh(Extreme)/Shiva(Extreme) trials + The Final Coil of Bahamut/The Second Coil of Bahamut(Savage) raids) 1 day 12$

    50-60 lvl + gear ilvl 155 (Astrologian/Dark Knight/Machinist jobs + Collectable System + The Dusk Vigil dungeon + Sightseeing Log Heavensward +
    Chocobo mount flight ability + Rank 1 HW Hunts + Vath/Moogle quests + Rank 2 HW Hunts + Vanu-Vanu quests + Rank 3 HW Hunts)
    1 day 15$

    60 lvl + gear ilvl 185 (Elite B rank HW Hunts + The Fractal Continuum/Neverreap dungeons + Accompaniment Node minion + Stone,Ske,Sea access + Wondrous Tails access + Ravana(Extreme)/Bismarck(Extreme) trials + Saint Mocianne's Arboretum/Pharos Sirius(Hard) dungeons + Alexander(Gordias)/The Void Ark raids) 1-2 days 15$

    60 lvl + gear ilvl 185-205 (The Lost City of Amdapor(Hard) dungeon + The Minstrel's Ballad:Thordan's Reign/Sephirot(Hard) trials + Alexander(Gordias)(Savage)/Alexander(Midas) raids + Hullbreaker Isle(Hard) dungeon) 1 day 12$

    60 lvl + gear ilvl 215-230 (Sephirot(Extreme) trial + Alexander(Midas)(Savage)/The Weeping City of Mhach raids + The Great Gubal Library dungeon + The Minstrel's Ballad:Nidhogg's Rage/Sophia(Hard) trials + The Diadem access) 1 day 12$

    60 lvl + gear ilvl 235-250 (The Sohm AI(Hard) dungeon + Sophia(Extreme)/Zurvan(Hard) trials + Alexander(The Creator)/Dun Scaith raids) 1 day 10$

    * PM me here or via Skype/Discord.
    * Payment agreement.
    * Give me your Username and Password , if need code you just chat me via one of method listed above about code for login.
    * During in work, please not login in game, you can login again when I would finish my work.
    * I will chat you when I'm done and confirm the order.
    * Change your password after I already finish this order

    Also check my other offers for different games! And also you can check my offers here: playerup Games Marketplace | Gaming Virtual Goods Marketplace & Trading Platform. You can find them at the same games' categories by the same name and to make sure that I'm a verified seller and powerleveler :) Wait your orders and till then!​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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