Sold Selling [FFBE GL] Fresh unlinked accounts for sale! Cheap and fast!

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nickiFFBE, 12/26/16.

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  1. nickiFFBE

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    Hi all, would like to sell fresh unlinked accounts with the account information furnished as below:

    1. US$3.50 : [Rank 2] Refia, Cecil, Chizuru, Bartz, Arc x2, Charlotte x3, Locke, Ingus, Xiao

    2. US$3.00 : [Rank 2] Refia, Warrior of Light, Cloud of Darkness, Vaan, Krile, Charlotte x3, Golbez, Cyan, Clyne, Lani

    3. US$2.50 : [Rank 2] Chizuru x2, Cloud of Darkness, Vanille, Faris, Charlotte, Roselia, Leo, Ingus, Amarant, Clyne, Lani

    (Due to restriction of links posting, please PM me for in-game screenshots if you would like to verify the account)

    Important Note: These accounts are free from any injection or cheats. All the units are rolled legitimately by progressing through the game.

    Payment method
    Paypal (please send as personal payment/to friends and family)

    Transaction method
    1. Buyer will have to create a facebook account and provide it to me.
    2. Buyer need to transfer the money via Paypal.
    3. Once the money is received, I will then proceed to link the facebook account and notify the buyer accordingly.
    4. Done.

    Please PM me if you are keen to buy.

    Thank you.

    Transaction history

    1. [Rank 14] Noctis, Delita, Agrias, Mercedes, Cerius, Hope with other good TM units - SOLD

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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