Sold Selling feoh 101 / dual archer 101

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lfactorve, 10/13/16.

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  1. lfactorve

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    Main feoh soultaker 101 80% +.
    Dual archer ghost sentinel 101 50%+.

    Nobles, all subs, exalted need last part. siege, dim raid.

    all skills 10+
    dye +15 int, +3 wit.

    rapid fire, rapid shot skills.
    all skills 10+ some 12, 13, 16, and soo on.
    dye +14 str, +1 dex, +3 cha.

    Brooch 4 slots
    Brooch jewels: saphire 4, ruby 4, obsidian 4, diamon 4, pearl 4, aguamarine 4, topaz 3, esmerald 3.
    Shiny shirt +7
    Phycs shirt +7
    Gustav belt.
    Bracelet +3: dex, str.
    15+ rare accesory pack 14 day.
    1 rare accesory pack 30 day.
    20+ slauther dye.
    15+ immortal scroll.
    Wind talis m critical dmg 10k+ life.
    Wind talis p Critical dmg 9.8k + life.
    x2 ancient hero weapon pack.
    energy drinks +10 int, +10 str, +10 dex +++++++
    ghost potions +++


    miscellaneous: bless body, mental shield, augment refresh magic skills.

    Accept paypal.
    Hit me private msg to add in skype.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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