Selling Female Keep your own counsel on BD

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Offtoasia, 9/29/16.

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  1. Offtoasia

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    WTS Female Keep your own counsel

    Inners :
    Poison Toad 75/75
    Sunset 75/75
    Taoist 75/75
    Chaotic 37/64
    Royal Guard inners 1-5 max
    BBC 59/59
    Changfeng 54/58
    Mount Hua 45/49 (have 650 tokens to exchange for inner)

    Gears :
    2 sets of jade gears. 1 yang and 1 taichi set
    Full battlefield yang set
    Chef battlefield blade
    Blacksmith battlefield double blade
    Chef battlefield claw
    Chef T6 blade
    Chef T6 flute
    Chef T6 twin dagger
    Chef T6 dagger
    Chef T6 quater staff
    Blacksmith T6 double blade
    Blacksmith T6 twin sword
    have 43 battlefield tokens. you can get another set of battlefield set
    yin or taichi. or you can get another 4 weapons.

    All school meridians 180
    RG reverse 180
    Begger reverse 180
    Scholar reverse 144
    yang 180
    yin 90

    Ancient Taichi parry, break def, knockback, plume, anti air and open at lv8 rest is lv3
    Ancient finger full set lv3
    Ancient Dog Beating full set lv3-8
    Ancient Sea Demon Blade rage, pull and 1 hit spam all lv3
    Royal Guard 4th set lv8 and Chain lv11
    Have most of the cash sets, will only list the ones thats lv10
    Curled Branch
    Nine Palace
    Sura Blade
    Phantom Twin Dagger
    Heaven Net Dance
    Heart Buddha Palm

    Weapon Manuals:
    Bare Hand 454 1000/1000
    Blade 454 1000/1000
    Sword 194 512/512
    Dagger 400 14/1000
    Double Blade 454 1000/1000
    Twin Sword 194 512/512
    Twin Dagger 295 736/800
    Staff 194 512/512
    Quarterstaff 295 57/800
    HiddenWeapon 454 1000/1000

    17 outfits and 12 weapons

    1 set of external with crit dmg and crit chance
    1 set of internal with crit dmg and crit chance

    For more info contact me at [email protected] or add me on skype

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