Sold Selling FEH Hacks for sale

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GuineaPirate, 7/11/17.

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  1. GuineaPirate

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    Risky hacks:
    Offering unit injection for $5, must have a hero to sacrifice. This # is fairly risky if you do too many at once and plan on keeping the units. I would recommend only doing one at a time if you don't plan on using the units as fodder. Also, I do not recommend using it for your main account.

    +Merge increase $2, as said by other sellers, the safer way would be to playerup a duplicate of the unit and feed that unit to increase the merge.

    Safer hacks:
    IV changing, level increase, Rarity increase $2 each. While there is still a chance of being banned for any of these, it is much lower than the previous hacks.

    If you want a starter account with a team of 5*'s, I can do that also, but keep in mind that it is done with unit injection, so it's entirely possible that it might be banned.

    WARNING: ALL HACKS HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR BAN. Buy at your own risk. I recommend only doing one or two hacks every few days, as that seems to cut down the risk of ban, and only attempt the riskier bans on secondary accounts that you wouldn't mind losing. Any purchases are made at the risk of the buyer and there will be no refunds for banned accounts.

    I only accept PayPal and I can be reached at [email protected] either by email or Skype.
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