Sold Selling FEH Account - Day 1 Endgame, 173 5* (including merges)

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chima0823, 8/9/17.

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  1. Chima0823

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    Selling my Day 1 Fire Emblem Heroes Account since I've been spending too much time and money on it...bad for me, great for you!

    Pictures show the 173 5 star heroes total (including merges), and yes, the Rein is +10 merged, +Att/-Spd. Not pictured is about 15-20 heroes sacrificed for skill inheritance as well. The account also has 56k feathers, 58 stamina potions, 66 dueling crests, and 312 total heroes, I saved a ton of things good for skill inherit #, and a ton of 4 star versions of my 5 stars for future promotion. I also have enough badges and crystals for all of them.

    There's been a lot of money and effort poured into this game, so serious offers only please, you can send offers to [email protected]. Thank you!
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