Sold Selling FEH Account; 60+ Five-Star Units (Looking for a fair and reasonable offer)

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/skyrenxrene, 6/12/18.

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  1. /u/skyrenxrene

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    As stated above this account has over 60+ Five-Star units, along with a few of them merged and weapon-refined.

    I am not looking for any high offers (unless you really feel like it), but I am hoping to at least get something for the effort behind the account.

    Find me on the discord server for pictures by leaving a comment.

    I do have some of the tier 1 arena units available such as Ares, Soleil, Nowi, and some other notable units such as Hector (old and new.)

    Again, not looking for anything crazy, just something that is fair and reasonable (for the both of us.)

    # #/skyrenxrene
    # .
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