Sold Selling FamName : PvP / SorcName : Pro - NA Acct for possible sale

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 2thpick, 3/20/17.

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  1. 2thpick

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    Bought this game originally during pre order but wasn't able to really get started until like 2 weeks after release. Once I finally was available to put in some time I sort of lost interest in trying to grind my way to catching up. This account is definitely for people who're interested in the Family Name and or Character name which again are PvP / Pro (41 sorceress.. lol). The main reason I'm considering selling the account isn't really to make money... It's more about the fact that I feel bad for just sitting on the Family Name and not utilizing it nearly enough, it deserves a more dedicated / active player who has the time to grind it up. Anyone who's interested can feel free to message me, post a reply, twitter : DrWyze, Curse Voice : 2oothpick, or Discord : 2oothpick#9469 I'll go ahead and post some pics both Current(time of post) & Old incase anyone is interested. Also, the character is sporting a Fully Dyed Lumik costume set(purple, black 'n white) +1 Appearance change ticket, pre order furniture and such and almost all of the GM Giveaways they've sent in the mail in the last year+.

    Feel free to ask any other questions as you see fit. c:


    - - - Updated - - -

    Ugh, my post that originally had error msgs are randomly showing up now. my b everyone seriously the spam wasn't at all intended and admins may feel free to delete 2 of them if you'd like. I saw on the rules that you don't allow for user deleted post which I think is smart overall I'm just dense it seems.
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