Selling FA level 182 - Mercury (EU server)

Discussion in 'Cabal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    FA was sold already, please close thread, thank you.

    I will write you a pm.


    I just saw this same thread on cabal official forum and people say in reply that account is banned already. Why is that?


    Originally Posted by AftermatchClash

    I just saw this same thread on cabal official forum and people say in reply that account is banned already. Why is that?

    Hi AftermatchClash, it seems that I'm not allowed to post "selling char for cash" on Cabal online forum, only for ingame alz and as I want to quit this game, I don't need alz, the guy that replied said that cause he thinks I would get banned if sell my account for cash on cabal forum. My account ingame is not banned, I can confirm by meeting with you ingame. Hope this clarified it, thanks.

    add me


    what is the C/O or what u imagine


    He says ingame he has 20b co. 20b * 30 euro=600 euro, and he wants more than 20b
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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