Sold Selling Extreme/Wasabi Co-Op Boosting! Brushes/Hogys/Books/Hearts (Global)

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Boosting Farming Services - Buy Sell Trade' started by pmoigki, 5/26/17.

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  1. pmoigki

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    Hi Guys! I am back again for this months
    EXTREME CO-OP Week. Boosting Service is for those who are Rank3 or above on Global Server. I will carry you through Extreme/Wasabi COOPs Very Fast.
    # of Runs Average 50-70 Per 2hour Window. Rate is 25$ for Initial 2hour session and then 20$ for succeeding.

    Account Handling is optional and recommended for efficiency but Sending you room numbers for each round is the second option but total number of rounds per session is decreased. I am a trusted BBS Account Booster with perfect feedback and many returning customers for both extreme and general boosting.

    This process poses no risk for your account. Message me here or on KiK/Line/FB messenger: @ pmoigki

    I will attempt to reply ASAP and payment is only through Paypal.

    Average Drops per 2hour session are the following:
    Reroll Brush: 5-12
    Hogyoku: 10-25
    Books: 20+

    Powders: 100~
    2* Power Hearts: 250-300
    3* Power Hearts: 50-75
    Large EXP Crystal: 500+

    Reservation for slots will be based first come first serve. All clients from last month were extremely satisfied so reserve your slot now!

    Raid windows are as follows (Japan Standard Time):
    29th: 5pm/10pm
    30th: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm
    31st: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm
    1st: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm
    2nd: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm
    3rd: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm
    4th: 2am/7am/12noon/5pm/10pm

    All time slots will be covered during the week with a maximum of 6 clients per session.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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