Heroes of the Storm information; This account owns every single hero, multiple skins per each hero, 27,000 gold. Rank 1 pre-season, Grand Masters Season 1, and 2. Level 40. World of Wacraft; This account has been around since BC. Has over 176 mounts (If you're looking for a specific mount just query!), level 110 rogue, level 100 hunter, level 100 Demon hunter, level 100 Warlock, level 100 priest. Multiple feats of strength, transmogs. (Pst for information) SC (Hears of the Swarm) Highest Elo made Masters. Hearthstone, owns all the expansions and multiple cards. Over-watched. Un-touched account, limited edition purchased. Forgive the lazy profile, frankly not really in a hard-core rush to sell this account but I wouldn't mind allowing another to look at it and seeing the offers I receive. This account was created and owned by me, never shared with anyone else. To contact me my skype is Shangai313, and my email is [email protected].