Selling Excellent all round player account - Level 60 - 20mill+ might - Bilbo82

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    This account is in the top might alliance in the world for basically since when the world started, I have been there basically from the start. We were also rank #1 and have won the most challenges in the all star contest. I'm only selling the account due to the fact it's taking up too much of my time. Keep in mind this world is still fairly new, so the stats may not be as impressive as some others on the forum: Ranked (gives a good indication of caliber of account): Overall Might: 73 Might Gained: 153 Troops Killed: 380 General Stats: Level: 60 Overall Might: 20.2m (No wall might all troops) + over 1.2m in items Might Gained: 35.8m Troops Killed: 13.6m Troop amount: T1: 3,486,769 T2: 271,619 T3: 81,488 City 1: 1 X Level 215 & a 139 Level 1 Runed Keep, level 10 Munster, Great Hall, Academy & Armory Rest of buildings are level 9 City 2: 1 X Level 156 Rest of buildings are level 9 No 3rd city yet (recently introduced). Items: 1.2m worth of T3 & T4 troops 2 X New Identity (Game Name Change) 10 X Rune of Destruction 1 X Gandalf's Gift (Location Change) 3 X Radagast's Gift (Location Change - Random) 4 X Naming Rights 69 X 1 Min Speed up 17 X 1 Hour Speed up 11 X 2.5 Hour Speed up 9 X 8 Hour Speed up 2 X Infinite Hourglass 4 X Train With Warriors 1 X Train With Gandalf 1 X Hero's Renown 2 X Major Protection Rune 3 X Rune of Invulnerability 3 X Rune of Fury 16 Days worth of Combat Runes 28 Days worth of Shield Runes Heaps of unused resources items Make your best offer, Paypal only. Email: HobbitKOMarch@gmail
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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