Sold Selling Exalted Sigel Phoenix Knight 100 - Dual Iss Sword Muse 100

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JM69, 1/8/17.

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  1. JM69

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    Sigel Phoenix Knight 100
    Dual Iss Sword Muse 100
    Adventurer 80
    Duelist 80
    +8 Eternal Defense Type Heavy set (Only the top is Blessed)
    +3 Eternal Defense Type Heavy set
    +3 Shadow Cutter
    +3 Eternal Shield
    Elegia Boots
    Ancient's Hero Weapon Pack
    +3 Eternal Shield
    +3 istina's Shirt
    +3 Top-grade Magic Ornament Eternal Belt PvP Defense
    +3 Apocalypse Cutter Body/Speed Body
    +3 Raccoon Ears CON
    +3 Top-grade Resistance Earring - Stun
    +3 Top-grade Resistance Earring - Mental Attack
    +5 Frintezza's Soul Necklace
    +3 Top-grade Holy Resistance Ring
    +3 Top-grade Dark Resistance Ring
    Aria's Bracelet: CON
    Talisman - Abundance Lv. 1 (High-grade)
    Talisman - Annihilation
    Venir's Talisman Stage 6
    Talisman - Anakim
    Lv. 5 Giant's CON Dye (CON +5)
    Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4, CHA +3)
    Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4, CHA +3)
    La Vie En Rose's Brooch (2 slots)
    Diamond Lv. 1
    Emerald Lv. 1

    70m~ Adena.

    All skills up to 100 learned on Main and Dual, except for Divine Inspiration Lv. 5.

    Various skills enchanted at +10.

    Various other interesting items in warehouse.

    All factions at level 0 at 0.00%

    61 NCoin.

    299 Hero Coin.

    Includes free Iss Spectral Dancer 99 at Chronos.

    Epic Members or above only.

    Minimum bid is $200 USD, PayPal only.

    I will not read Private messages, post your bid in here.

    Highest bid in 72 hours of inactivity after last bidding post will be the winner.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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