In-Game Name: Can't provide it as if Evony finds out they will wipe the account. Server: Age 1, 157 Would like $200 US for the account or $150 for the hero. It has no cents on it, but if it means anything to you I spent $100 dollars on it when the server opened :P -3.2m prestige -Prinzessin -Ranked in top 1000 -2.3m archers, 1.1m scouts, 200k trans, 100k ballista, 250k cav, 4m warriors, 250k pike, 250k swords -Top hero is 375 attack, base 76 (if it will help sell I'll level it up to instant warriors at the cost of some of the archers.. duh) -1b iron, 300m lumber -5 built cities -Cities are in Romagna -Current alliance is EverMore The reason I am selling is because, as every Evony player knows, farming takes up way too much time and I just don't have it. I just got a new video card and can finally run fun games :P and you know.. school and work tend to get in the way too. Post if interested