Selling EUROPEAN Batle.Net, includes lots of stuff, look for details.

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by spoggos, 9/27/17.

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  1. spoggos

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    Hello there, I’m selling my account. The account is EUROPEAN. The price is $150 (USD). Accepted payment methods are Neteller, Skrill, PayPal.
    SKYPE: spoggos (Greece)

    Contents of account:

    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (EU AND AMERICAS). Undead Male Rogue - H, Undead Male Mage - H, Warlock x2 (1x Human Male, 1x Undead Female) – all of those characters are at level 100. Undead Male Priest at level 91 – H.

    Diablo 3, Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, Diablo 3 RoS Necromancer Expansion

    Heroes of the Storm: Level 113

    Heroes Owned: Auriel, Li Ming, Kael'Thas, Jaina, Zagara, Li Li, E.T.C, Falstad, Kerrigan, Malfurion, Muradin, Nazeebo, Nova, Sonya, Tassadar, Tyrael, Tyrande, Uther, Valla

    Skins Owned:
    Scarlet Sakura Auriel, Archangel Auriel, Courageous Auriel, Dusk Auriel, Glam Metal ETC, Platinum Glam Metal ETC, Azure Glam Metal ETC, Light ETC, Dark ETC, Storm Lord Falstad, Frostborn Falstad, Dark Iron Falstad, Shadow Kerrigan, Char Kerrigan, Toxic Kerrigan, Verdant Jaina, Azure Jaina, Ivory Kael'thas, Silver Kael'thas, Megant Shadowpaw Li Li, Explorer Li Li, Night Explorer Li Li, Pink Explorer Li Li, Saffron Li Li, Jade Li Li, Tal Rasha Li-Ming, Lovely Archon Li-Ming, Veradani Li-Ming, Crfimson Li-Ming, Tundra Malfurion, Raven Malfurion, Redstone Muradin, Mithril Muradin

    Hearthstone, full list of all epic, legendary, and golden cards that the account possesses:
    DRUID, GOLDENS: X1 Earthen Scales, X1 Dark Arakkoa

    Legendaries: X1 Fandral Staghelm, X1 Malfurion the Pestilent, x1 Cenarius, x1 Hadronox, x1 Tyrantus

    Epics: x1 Mulch, x1 Fatespinner, x1 Force of Nature, x2 Ancient of Lore, x2 Ancient of War, x2 Ultimate Infestation

    HUNTER, GOLDENS: x1 Call Pet, x1 Freezing Trap, x1 Stiched Tracker

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Deathstalker Rexxar

    EPICS: x2 Bestial Wrath, x1 Stampede, x1 Dinomancy, x1 Snake Trap, x2 Steamwheedle Sniper, x2 Rat Pack, x1 StableMaster, x1 Call of the Wild

    MAGE, GOLDENS: x1 Flamecannon, x2 Mirror Entity, x1 Ghastly Conjurer, x1 Glacial Mysteries

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Archmage Antonidas

    EPICS: X2 Arcane Blast, x2 Ice Block, x1 Simulacrum, x2 Echo of Medivh, x2 Cabalist’s Tome, x1 Glacial Mysteries (GOLDEN), x1 Pyroblast

    PALADIN, GOLDENS: x1 Dark Conviction, x1 Equality, x1 Holy Wrath

    LEGENDARIES: X1, Tirion Fordring

    EPICS: x1 Coghammer, x2 Sword of Justgice, x2 Quartermaster, x2 Avenging Wrath, x2 Mysterious Challenger, x1 Dinosize, x2 Lay on Hands

    PRIEST, GOLDENS: x1 Light of the Naaru

    LEGENDARIES: X1 Archbishop Benedictus, x1 Prophet Velen

    EPICS: x1 Forbidden Shaping, x1 Curious Glimmerroot, x1 Shadowform, x2 Mindgames, x2 Cabal Shadow Priest, x2 Lightbomb


    LEGENDARIES: X1 Edwin VanCleef

    EPICS: x2 Preparation, x1 Patient Assassin, x1 Poisoned Blade, x1 Shadowcaster, x1 Kidnapper, x1 Spectral Pillager

    SHAMAN, GOLDENS: x1 Forked Lightning, x1 Jade Lightning

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Al’Akir the Windlord

    EPICS: x2 Far Sight, x1 Siltfin Spiritwalker, x2 Doomhammer, x2 Earth Elemental

    WARLOCK, GOLDENS: x1 Blood Imp, x1 Fearsome Doomguard

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Lord Jaraxxus

    EPICS: x2 Treachery, x1 Pit Lord, x1 Anima Golem, x1 Dark Bargain, x2 Twisting Nether

    WARRIOR, GOLDENS: x1 Animatred Berserker, x1 Alexstrasza’s Champion, x1 Slam, x1 Ancient Shieldbearer

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Grommash Hellscream

    EPICS: x2 Shield Slam, x2 Dead Man’s Hand, x1 Bouncing Blade, x2 Brawl, x1 Crush, x1 Gorehowl

    NEUTRALS, GOLDENS: x1 Worgen Infiltrator, x1 Sunfury Protector, x1 Am’gam Rager, x1 Arcane Golem, x2 Dalaran Mage, x2 Ironforge Rifleman, x1 Shallow Gravedigger, x1 Twilight Elder, x2 Dragonling Mechanics, x1 Oasis Snapjaw, x2 Archmage, x1 Gelbin Mekkatorque, x1 Sabretooth Stalker, x1 Skeram Cultist, x1 Windfury Harpy

    LEGENDARIES: x1 Bloodmage Thalnos, x1 Baron Rivendare, x1 Feugen, x1 Harrison Jones, x1 Leeroy Jenkins, x1 Loatheb, x1 Stalagg, x1 Aya Blackpaw, x1 Cairne Bloodhoof, x1 Emperor Thaurissan, x1 Gelbin Mekkatorque, x 1 Hogger, x1 Maexxna, x1 Sylvanas Windrunner, x1 The Black Knight, x1 Baron Geddon, x1 Dr. Boom, x1 Troggzor the Earthinator, x1 Kel’Thuzad, x1 Ragnaros the Firelord, x1 Sneed’s Old Shredder, x1 The Lich King, x1 Alexstrasza, x1 Nefarian, x1 Onyxia, x1 Ysera, x1 C’Thun, x1 Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End

    EPICS: x1 Emerald Hive Queen, x1 Hungry Crab, x2 Doomsayer, x2 Blood Knight, x1 Cyclopian Horror, x1 DeathAxe Punisher, x2 Faceless Shambler, x2 Big Game Hunter, x2 Faceless Manipulator, x1 Validated Doomsayer, x1 Ancient Harbinger, x1 Primordial Drake, x1 Sea Giant, x1 Mountain Giant, x2 Molten Giant

    DUST: 1815

    GOLD: 105

    Mage: 60, Shaman: 43, Druid: 51, Paladin: 48, Warlock: 38, Hunter: 43, Warrior: 40, Rogue: 42, Priest: 38

    HERO PORTRAITS: Alleria Windrunner, Maiev Shadowsong

    CARDBACKS: Classic, Fireside, Heroic Naxxramas, Alleria, Blood Knight, HearthS’mores, Pie, Legion, Medivh’s Invitation, Clutch of Yogg-Saron, Hogger, Thunder Bluff, Highmaul, Exodar, Tournament Grounds, Darkspear, Darnassus, Ninjas!, Cupcake, Ragnaros, Goblins, Hallow’s End, Pirates!, Icecrown, Naxxramas, Heroes of the Storm, Molten Core, Secret Level
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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