Selling   Selling Europe High End Eu 50 lvl | TOA 200+ | LD Nat5 Jager | 51 Nat5 | 9 Devilmon | 170 6 | Almo

Discussion in 'Summoners War Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Spencerk2, 5/31/22.

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  1. Spencerk2

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    BJ5 team | Tricaru | 198+ speed

    Over 1,6mil mana, over 2,3k diamonds, 2 Legendary scrolls, 9 Light&Dark scrolls, 42 mystic/element scrolls, 2765 Unknown scrolls and WHOPPING 2482 Exclusive summoning stones! Almost 2k of runes, almost 1k enhanced gems/grindstones and over 300 artifacts. All the guild buildings max lvl and also almost all the glory buildings too.

    Account has monsters to farm all the contents: All of the ToA can be done, 3x SSS in World Boss (best rank 603!!!), all raids SSS, caiross dungeon speed farming teams, BJ5 team and dimension hole teams. 19 2nd awakened monsters, 51 nat 5, and missing only some of the nat 4's from the collection. Lots of L&D monsters in the storage and Looots of upgrade materials (Angelmons, rainbowmons and 3/4 star monsters).

    Very good original account with over 2200 farming days!!!

    Original owner of the account and been farming runes, events, guild stuff, raids and all other stuff over 6 years now. So the account is pretty much very late game account if you want. I have just been playing very casually and afking while working etc, so arena rank has never been top100, but it could be with all the runes and monsters in this account! I have also always done all the events in the past 6 years so lots of funny content too.

    Emailme : [email protected]

    Discord: HarryB#9472
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  2. Daniel shelton

    Daniel shelton
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