Sold Selling EUPS Hero CR 202 SP 332

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by H2H, 6/17/17.

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  1. H2H

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    Main toon is an Earth Hero that has CR 202 Tank (Fully modded with Special Forces mods too) gear and CR 201 DD gear with 332 SP. It's one of the best toons on the server. Only missing one DLC feat which is the Elite Victory feat from the new DLC. All the other missing feats are LPvE with most of them already done there. Pretty much all styles are collected (including SM styles) with 12 pages of Auras and all of the currently released Materials. Inventory is filled with SM pets, bouncy balls, fireworks and other stuff. The account has other toons including two Heroes that have 316 SP each and both are around CR 190. You can buy their SP to 330 and easily gear them up. One is Electricity and the other is Gadgets. They're both alts and are missing a lot of styles etc. Overall it's a great account with a lot of time and money invested and it won't go cheap (don't both posting something stupid like £50 or £300, looking for much more). It's also tied to a level 24 PSN with 4906 trophies and 51 platinums with plenty of games bought on the PSN Store. Please post your offers in the thread.

    Will be using PayPal and payment will have to be first. Account details will then be released. Middleman can also be used.

    Here's some screenshots:





    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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