Sold Selling EUPC Account (High End, 280 SP, 189 CR,...)

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Turbo_lag, 1/5/17.

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  1. Turbo_lag

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    Hello, I'm selling High-end DCUO account, on EUPC. Some of the general stuff, around 300 replay badges, and some DayBreak cash.

    First Character - 189 PvE cr, 280sp, 100 PvP cr.
    Main Role - Healer
    Movement - Super-Speed
    Power - Celestial.
    Full gear (except OP items) from Amazon Fury III, Olympian Mods, Olympian Generator Mods, around 20 000 Restoration.
    A lot of Rare styles, most of the "General" feats completed, only thing remaining is Exobits farming.
    Regarding other feats, there're most from the last DLCs, because I didn't play much recently.
    188 cr DPS gear, as well.
    Many styles from Marketplace, as well as about 20-25 auras from Booster Bundles.
    2 armories, 5 million in-game cash.

    Second Character - More like a Bank, and for Event purposes.
    113 cr DPS, Hard Light, Flight
    Bank full of Exobyres, mostly Aggressive (Red), Simple and Complex Materials.

    Price: 200$
    Email: [email protected]
    Skype: andrej.rockshox
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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