Sold Selling [EU Windrest] 850ap KFM HM 12, Alts , Legendary items , etc....

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Maradona2010, 4/2/17.

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  1. Maradona2010

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    Character Owner-founder Since beta , Selling reason got so much work no time to play the game any more. Below is the full details screenshot providing as per request through skype or what ever way.

    -Master Pack , Lv9 Premium, 200 Gold , HM12
    -Soul Badge : Blue Moon Soul Badge (500% ap to comet strike"4" )
    -Skills : Full HM Skills unlocked , 4 Training Pages
    -Achievement : 3200 points , 11 AP attack power unlocked
    -Inventory and Warehouse Full space unlocked.
    -full character slots unlocked
    -Gathering: The Tree Fellers lvl 4, Green Thumbs lvl 4
    -Crafting: Soul Wardens Lv4 , The Merry Potters lvl 4
    -850 Ap 60% crit. 250% crit dmg
    -Account has 9 Alts slots , and Lv5 HM8 SoulFighter

    *SoulShield : PVP - Full Legendary
    PVE - 1-5 Legendary from Skybreak Spire 6,7,8 Legendary from MSP

    Max Legendary Ring ,
    Max Legendary Necklace,
    S6 Legendary Belt,
    HM Energery Stage 7

    *Weapon : Baleful Stage 10 , Have Ferosity ( Material for Raven upgrade)

    *GEMS :
    40 AP + All Brilliant Heptagonal GEMS

    *Pet : Legendary Awakened Ghost Pet S4

    *Customes : 100 item , Includes very rare and full summer outfits and more.
    *Enough Matrials to upgrade many twink chars.
    *Mats worth of 3k + gold.

    Accepting offers starts at 700$
    Payment Methods Paypal or Western union
    PM Skype for further communication

    Feel free to ask any question regarding the the character or the class in general.
    Screenshots to be provided as per request.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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