Selling [eu] super loaded account (hearthstone, hots, ow, d3, sc2, wow)

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bsunar84, 9/30/16.

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  1. bsunar84

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    I have decided to sell my account as I'll be relocating RL for a new job abroad.

    This account not only has all the games and xpacs, but also lots of money spent for collectibles and a lot of time devoted for levels, achievements, etc.

    I believe it can be perfect for a true Blizzard fan who loves these games, enjoy them to the fullest with a cost advantage but don't have the time to grind everything from scratch.

    - Clean account with no bans/suspensions ever
    - BattleID name change available

    Heroes of the Storm:
    - Playing since open Beta
    - All heroes purchased (except Alarak)
    - All heroes are level 10+ (Golden)
    - All heroes have at least 1 master or real money skin
    - Around 15 mounts
    - So many portraits
    - Very good MMR
    - 4000+ games played
    - Played preseason, Rank 7
    - Around 25k in-game gold at your disposal

    - Playing since around January 2015
    - Got all seasonal cardbacks dating since then
    - All common and rare cards
    - Almost all epic cards
    - 82 legendary cards!! (which means you can play any meta deck right away)
    - All adventures purchased and completed (including heroics)
    - 12 win Arena achieved (visible on Quests tab)
    - Vanity cardbacks such as Fireside and Samsung Galaxy thingy
    - Lady Liadrin paladin hero
    - Around 1200 gold and 1400 dust at your disposal
    - 1 max level hero (Warrior)

    - Level 280
    - 1400 games played
    - Pre-order and Origins Editions skins
    - All heroes have around 40% unlockables
    - All heroes have at least 1 legendary skin (handpicked, arguably best ones)
    - Played Season 1 and obtained season spray/icon (rank 55)

    Diablo 3:
    - Reaper of Souls
    - 4 max level characters (Barb, Wiz, DH, Monk)
    - All well geared with several ancient gear
    - 3 legendary gems (all around level 75)
    - Last 3 seasons played (and journeys completed)
    - 2 wings, 1 pet, many portrait fram
    - More gold than you'll ever need

    Starcraft 2:
    - All xpacs purchased
    - Nova mission pack purchased
    - Abathur commander purchased
    - Only played campaigns, so clean ladder/ranked record
    - Completed all campaigns in Brutal
    - Around 99% of campaign achievements obtained

    - All xpacs including Legion
    - One level 100 Rogue (just landed on Stormheim)
    - One level 32 Druid
    - Nothing else worth mentioning

    I invested around €1.600 and a lot of time to accumulate everything that I summarized above. Ready to sell for €500. This is a crazy deal.

    Please PM or email: [email protected]

    I can screenshare, walk you through the account and answer your questions. I am the registered owner of the account and ready to provide any kind of ID proof.

    Also, we'll be using the official playerup middleman:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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