Sold Selling EU summoner 829 AP, Ultimate Pet

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hentaicheg, 2/28/17.

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  1. Hentaicheg

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    829 AP hm 13(51% done to hm 14) Summoner on server group 2. 3250+ achieve points

    Cerulean First Lieutenant (max faction rank)

    Premium rank 9(75% done to rank 10)
    ~11k HM coins, most are still in the venture tokens(so you can wait for prem 10 before exchanging if you want)

    Items of note:
    Ultimate Pet! (Lycan)
    Legendary Neck + Ring stage 10, Earth element Earring stage 10(good for PVE)
    Other Accessories Hongmoon maxed stage 10
    Red ToI badge + ~200 green ToI tokens + ~120 ToI entry tickets
    Full MSP soulshield set(fused with 254+ crit each)
    Good PVP soulshield set(spar + challenger, very good for ToI)
    ~100 legendary jewels for accessories(~2k gold value) + ~40 legendary elements(will be needed for chokma weapons + needed for pvp weapon, ~800g value)
    All HM skills unlocked +140 bravery + 41 whirlwind token(will be enough to unlock whatever new skill gets released)
    All gems Brilliant Hepta + 90 mysterious crystals + got 5 extra flawless hexa amethysts + 1 extra brilliant hepta peridot +2 hexa citrines

    Tradeable items: ~3k stingers, ~300 moonstones, ~50 honorary ornaments, ~140 silver transformation stones(or gold value equal to the ones missing, since I sell them from time to time)

    List of slightly least important items: 17 MSP purple flowers, ~400 naryu tablets(won't need to worry about those ever), 183 galaxy fragments, 13 wisdom stones, 40 demon spirit stones, ~500 heavenly energy.

    PS: Feel free to contact me in advance if you want some extra info/want to negotiate the deal or for details about how to contact me.

    Price ~850$, might consider lowering depending on the amount of offers I recieve.

    For selling details: contact me here and I will give further contact info.​
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