Selling Selling [eu] rank 68 - gold twm x308 - wx metasoma - peg bullpup - arx160 - many more!

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by michaeldanish, 10/6/17.

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  1. michaeldanish

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    Hello everyone,

    I'm selling my warface account due to my final exams which i have to focus on.
    I played my account for 3 years now, and the details of my account is:

    Rifle: DewnField R65E4 - R16A4 - ARX160 - Para

    Medic: MSG 500 - PEG-7 - Fararm ATF 12 - PEG Bullpup

    Engineer: WX Metasoma - Exar L PDW - CCR CQB ES - SMG-9 ARES - CCR HoneyBadger

    Sniper: Gold AX308 - SVK-AS - Miller AP6 - Sae Scout - Karkom SNR Black

    Pistols: AY 226 - Earthshaker S18G - Gold Eagle Eye

    Melee: Katana - Tactical Axe

    And more weapons which i can not list for security measures.

    Money: 120,000+
    Crowns: 14,000+
    KDR: 1.500+

    Contact me on skype only: live:michaeldanish
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