Selling Selling [EU] rank 64 with twm x308, ac7 smg, R16A4.

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Swain123, 8/20/17.

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  1. Swain123

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    Selling warface EU account rank 64 that includes twm x308, ac7 smg, r16a4 and much more.

    Rifle : T27 // R16A4 // R249 Para // T27 Earth Shaker

    Medic : MSG 500 Custom // Accuracy Seven // Fararm ATF 12 // RichMond 870 RIS // Earth Shaker Accuracy Seven

    Engineer : SN-SG Sarosk // CCR CQB // Exar-L PDW // CCR Honey Badger // AC7 SMG // Earth Shaker CCR CQB

    Sniper : SVK-AS // TWM x308 // Sae Scout // Miller AP6 // RBA SR58 SPR // Earth Shaker Miller AP6

    Pistols : Ay-226 // WX-86 // Earth Shaker S18G

    Melee : katana // Earth Shaker kukri Machete

    Account also have a lot of weapon skins and body skins, i will share more information and pictures with serious buyers.

    For contacting on skype : Spike08031
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