Selling Selling EU Rank 34 permanent armor and weapon and gold fy 47

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Medhma1504, 8/18/17.

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  1. Medhma1504

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    I'm selling my warface account it comes with (steam account include it have 2 more games payday2 and starpoint Gemini2).

    the account have gold fy 47, warlord armor all piece all class, earth shaker weapon all class, all armors the armor available on the shop (only one vest did buy) a bunch of weapon on different class all permanent I won't name them pm me if you want a list or screenshot. unlocked all attachement and only 3 armor left as well as all the common.

    for more information pm me.
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  2. Omdogy

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