Sold Selling Eu old times account pvp ready

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fatelesse, 8/27/17.

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  1. Fatelesse

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    Hello, I am a very old SWTOR player and i quit a couple of years ago because of work and studies. Good times past and now my chars are in need of a new owner. Account main char is a Jugg level 60 and he is accompanied by level 60 powertech and 56 opertaive who is a guild master of his own old guildy. Jugg has a lot of expensive things in inventory which is locked in collections as of now. Selling it willl give you hellaa lot of credits beside having around 1 million around characters and 400k on jugg. Of course mounts included and few fancy ones too.

    On the account you will find a lot of twinks of different levels.
    Server: Tomb of F Naad[​IMG]

    Price: 60USD on my paypal. I have a verified paypal account with a long history of trading, so dont bother messaging me f you are not interested.
    Negotiating is possible

    Message me here. Thank you.





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