SELLING THIS ACCOUNT MORE INFORMATION [email protected] you can send your offer here 800+ euro ---Builds I have ready to go--- Comdemn Crusader Multishot Demon Hunter Impale Demon Hunter Starpact Wizard Group (Blackhole .Normal .tp) Necromancer RGK (Rathma narius pestilence) Rathma Speeds DPS Necromancer Znecro Zbarb ---Gem Levels--- Bane of the Trapped 149 Zei's Stone of Vengence 147 Bane of the Stricken 147 Enforcer 142 Boyarsky's Chip 142 22 x gems 130 for caldesan ready ---Time played-- WIZZARD 3184 DH 1123 NECROMANCER 2497 WD 589 CRUSADER 1560 BARB 280 MONK 13 ---Mats--- Veiled Crystal 179000 Arcane Dust 144000 Reusable Parts 30000 Forgotten Souls 354000 Death's breath 14000 Bounty Mats 100 GR Keys 300