Selling [Selling] Eu/na web fresh account with t9 horse + festa rewards for 15$

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EgSnake, 9/3/23.

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  1. EgSnake

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    You will get a new fresh account with T9 dream horse+t4pet+more gifts
    to see what's in the account
    the rewards :
    -t9 (dream)perfect horse
    -t4 pet
    -4 outfits boxes
    -2 hammers
    -advice of valks +150
    -2000 cron stone
    -2 j's special box

    price:15$ usdt crypto-binance gift card
    to buy gift cards with VISA -MC -...etc :


    Those rewards are better than the biggest bundle on the official website which is for 90$
    available for EU + NA
    **no family name created**
    **Many accounts available**
    the account is Pearl Abyss
    (not steam)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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