Hi! I’ll try to sum up all I got to offer. I’m the original owner of the account. Feel free to ask for further details (Skype available). IMGURL ALBUM HERE 1. Free Battletag change!! 2. [EU] Hearthstone Includes: All expansions All adventures Special heroes: Morgl + Liadrin + Tyrande + Maiev. 58 legendaries + 136 epics. 3158 wins. 620 arena wins (12 key best run). FREE Arena run! 3. [NA] Hearthstone I’ve used NA server for Arena mainly. Includes: +3000 gold. +5000 arcane dust (more than 2 copies of many cards). 12 legendaries + 43 epics. Special heroes: Morgl + Liadrin + Tyrande + Maiev. 4. [EU] Overwatch ORIGINS edition Includes: +6000 in-game currency Level +100 account Includes several legendary skins, also from the Origins limited edition. 5. [EU] Heroes of the Storm (BETA) Level + 400 account. 51 heroes unlocked. So much in-game content (ask if interested). Price: 250€ It's also on eBay! Check it if you're interested. TRADE INFORMATION ONLY TRUSTWORTHY BUYERS. We’ll verify each other identity through Skype. Buyer always goes first. Paypal only.