Selling [EU] Mercury Accounts: Lv 175 WA account/ Lv 150 FB account

Discussion in 'Cabal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by speederutz, 4/29/17.

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  1. speederutz

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    Wa account:
    -full palladium gear +8 7 amp and best slot
    -helm osm +9 8cr/20cdi
    -Archidium gs +7 (72 cdi) worth 1,5b alone
    -merga ring, rol+2
    -laws +6
    -both effectors
    #Honor rank 12 almost 13(90%+)
    *spirit of hip hop costume
    *blade of snow costume
    *pet premium gentle parrot lv3 with decent slots
    -sellable items worth 4-600kk or even more in warehouse and some crafting mats on other chars

    Fb account:
    #hnr rank 9(or 10)
    -meh set terragrace 7 amp 1 slot +0 worthless
    *armaku pet lv 5-7 dont remember well
    *suit of freed costume
    *water elemental orb weapon costume
    *snow blade weapon costume

    skype: speeder_radu or you can find me ingame
    Wa name: BBoY4u
    Fb name: lMarius

    You can find me on wa, i can enable equip and show you whatever. Pm me or mail me at [email protected] and will respond asap.
    Selling accounts sepparately or together don't really matter!
    Paypall skrill or bank transfer only!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. ApertureAgent

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    Still on sale?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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