Sold Selling [EU] - Maehwa 60 - Christmas discounts!

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Santa Claus VUM, 12/19/17.

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  1. Santa Claus VUM

    Santa Claus VUM
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    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Selling my BDO account !

    100% warranty for you.
    10-20% discounts now =)

    How can you find me?
    Discord - Santa#7032
    Skype - live:santavum
    Email - [email protected]

    All informatin about account:
    Maewha lvl 60 to sell. Here what it has basically.
    313 Energy and 312 CP.
    222/224/268 gearscore full accuracy ( tri red coral earring x2, tree spirit belt, tet kzarka, tet bheg, one jin and one won in the gloves). The rest of gear is tet dandy, tri white horn bown, tri tree armor, tri giath, tri muskan, tri crescent x1 tri mark of shadow x1, tri serap necklace.

    I have a Green Sharp Alchemy Stone of Life. That i use for processing, cooking and alchemy. I have a +3 Alchemy Costume, +3 Processing Costume, +2 Trading Costume and a +2 Cooking Costume.

    Raw silver is at 300kk but could go for 600kk for end month and maybe 1-1,5kkk for next month as my character is just 24h processing at kamasylvia. I have tons of material to use to produce and process as i have more than 500k of cereals to cook and that's a huge boost on CPs.

    Shopped all lodging (except for kamasylvia) and storage of velia, heidel, glish and calpheon, keplan and trent have storage space shopped above 120 slots so i didnt have to spent CPs on storage spaces or lodgings. so all the CP is invested only in nodes for mass production.

    At the moment having: 91, 61, 59, 51 & 51 failstacks to push to tet.

    It has a t8 Courser (meaning it has all skills and could go for t9).
    3 x pet t4 and x2 pet t3 + one hedgedog t1 for gathering.
    I have different masters on differents characters for lifeskills for raising the house fame fund, right now is at 1,2kk daily if you join a guild that gives you max contract it could go up to 6,2kk daily without doing nothing. Also i have 6 maids: 4 Storage 2 Marketplace
    Going back to lifeskills i have multiple characters where they have LT capped and shopped a bit of inventory space on it so let's start:

    Blader lvl 59: LT Capped Inventory Space over 100 slots Master Cooking 5, Master processing 19, Master Trading 6, Master Alchemy 2, Artisan Gathering 5/7, Fishing Master above 10. This is my mainly alt where i do life skilling. It has different Costumes such as Desert Camouflage, Cooking Costume, Processing Costume. And Costume for combat XP
    DK lvl 59: LT Capped, Inventory Space over 100 slots Master Cooking 2/3 and i think Artisan Alchemy and Professional Gathering, Fishing Master above 10 i guess. It has Cooking Costume, Treant Costume, and Costume for Combat XP.
    Wizard lvl 56: LT Capped, Inventory Space over 100 slots, have to take a look at it for life-skilling, but mainly using it for extra storage space. Combat XP costume.
    Kunoichi lvl 56: LT Capped, Inventory Space over 100 slots, also used for Storage extra space. Combat XP costume.
    Ranger lvl 58: As some lifeskill leveled up to professional LT Capped and inventory space over 80. Also using this for extra storage space.
    Striker lvl 58: Has a Kutum +0 on it was thinking to make a mystic, but i decided to sell the account.

    This was one of the preorders accounts. bought the 100$ Package at the time. so you get a 30 days kamasylvia blessing, 30 days combat book and 3x golden bells that i haven't reclaimed + a sweet title exclusive for preorder members.

    Screenshots -
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