Sold [Selling] EU, Lvl 55. Anc 7. All skills max lvl 55. Full divine buff. 6.9K GS. 23K+ Gold.

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nicklast, 8/31/18.

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  1. Nicklast

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    23K+ gold in bag.
    Epic t3 obsidian scepter and divine ayanad shield.
    Celestial undergarments and costume.
    All skills are lvl 55. + 3 abyssal powers.
    Gazebo farm + 16x16 farm.
    3 warehouse chests and a multipurpose workbench.
    Multiple mounts and pets.
    B200 credit car, Merchant, Skateboard, Ironclad and more vehicles.
    Multiple professions, max at Larceny and Printing. More around lvl 4-6
    NA lvl 55 character alt with max professions printing and masonry.
    EU lvl 54 alt on same server and faction as main.

    Screenshots of bags and equipment;

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Price is 100Eu

    -Add me via discord : NickLast#5865
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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