Selling [Selling] (EU)Lv.55 HM16 BM 1282AP Aransu 6, Maxed Soul, Maxed Fire/Lightning Accs.,

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kentlou, 2/8/19.

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  1. kentlou

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    This account comes with the associated e-mail address. It is an EU(Jinsoyun) account,
    I am tired of the game, Looking forward for someone who will continue the journey of my account

    EU - Jinsoyun

    Lv.55 HM16 BM 1282AP Aransu 6,
    Maxed Soul,
    Maxed Fire/Lightning Accs.,
    both VT Badges,
    PvP Gear,
    SF Lv.55 HM11,
    Raven 3,
    Ice/Earth Accs.,
    Ice VT Badge


    PRICE : 200$

    Contact me in discord

    My Discord id# : kentloud#1268


    This account comes with the following gears/items:


    10 Character Slots in total

    Premium Membership:
    80 days left (06.04.2018)

    250+ Costumes
    10+ Weapon Skins
    10+ Pets

    Hongmoon Gilded Triangular Diamond
    Hongmoon Gilded Triangular Ruby
    Hongmoon Octagonal Aquamarine
    Hongmoon Octagonal Amethyst
    Hongmoon Octagonal Citrine
    Heptagonal Fire Obsidian
    Heptagonal Lightning Obsidian
    Heptagonal Ice Obsidian

    Main Character
    Blade Master Lv.55 HM16, 1282AP (with gems & 80P in Offense)

    Weapon:Aransu 6, Ascendant 6
    Ring:Awakened Fire Ring 3, Awakened Lightning Ring 3, Skyshatter Ring 10
    Earring: Awakened Fire Earring 3, Lightning Earring 10
    Necklace:Fire Necklace 10, Lightning Necklace 9, Oath Necklace 10
    Bracelet:Divine Dragon Bracelet 10
    Belt: Eternity Belt 10
    Gloves: Awakened Starstone Gloves
    Soul: True Cosmic Soul
    Pet Aura: Awakened Ultimate Pet Aura 1
    Soul Badge: Ancestral, Colossus, Devotion, Eternity, Blue Moon, Magnum, Alluvion
    Mystic Badge: Dynasty, Aransu, Revelation, Pulse
    Soul Shield: VT-8, SSM-3, BT-8, BG-8
    Skills: all unlocked

    Alt. Character
    Soul Fighter Lv.55 HM11, 1103AP (with gems & 55P in Offense)

    Weapon:Raven 3, Galaxy 5
    Ring:Frost Ring 3, Earth Ring 1, Destiny Ring 6
    Earring: Frost Earring 3, Earth Earring 1
    Necklace:Frost Necklace 3, Oath Necklace 7
    Bracelet:Divine Dragon Bracelet 10
    Belt: Eternity Belt 7
    Gloves: Hollow’s Gloves
    Soul:HM Energy 8
    Pet Aura: HM Pet Aura 6
    Soul Badge:Alluvion, Blue Moon, Holy Fire
    Mystic Badge:Aransu, Enigma, Pulse
    Soul Shield: VT-3, BT-8
    Skills: all unlocked

    Alt. Character
    Warlock Lv.55 HM8, 1050AP+ (with gems & 20P in Offense)

    Weapon: Raven 3
    Soul Shield:BT-8

    EMAIL CHANGE : Available
    PIN CHANGE : Available

    Screenshots : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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