Sold Selling [eu - jordine] Wizard 58 Blader 56 . Bheg Gloves + Red Nose + Giath`s helm

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LailaDark, 10/11/16.

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  1. LailaDark

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    Account comes with e-mail

    I have quit the game and plan to no longer play it so I'm looking to sell my account. It has Traveler's Package and 2 unused
    7-day passes.

    Server: Jordine EU
    Characters: 58 Wizard and Blader
    238 Energy | 181 Contribution Points.
    4 Pets. 2 Tier3 + 2T1
    1085 skill points.

    1105 LT

    The account have :

    Tri Bheg Gloves
    Tri Red Nose´s
    Tetra Grunil Helmet + Giath Helmet 12
    Tri Grunil + Tri Heve
    Duo Basilisk´s Belt
    Tri Liberto + Tri Ultimate steel Dagger

    Pearl Equip :
    Weight , Gili, slots, glases, earring, Kalstein, Underwear x2

    Ask more info or Offerts to my mail [email protected]


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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