Sold Selling Eu] high tier acc. 483gs tri/tet 59dk/60sorc 2.8b pure silver in bank etc

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dokidokeh, 4/19/17.

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  1. dokidokeh

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    Decided to put up my account, not really wanting to sell but for a right price I could let it go and probably pursue IRL more.

    Anyways most of the stuff I included here :

    As said in title, 59 DK with 60 sorc and bunch of other Alts 56 etc, used for failstacking. One has 38fs, 51fs, 20fs currently. 12 character slots. Full Boss TRI, TET Nouver. DK doesn't have a Dande yet, missing 19 Auras. Tier 7 Horse with lots of other Tier 6's etc, 4x Tier 3 Pets with one Tier 2. Built a great working empire with high tier workers, node system to desert. Pirates having level 10 and stuff. It has around 2.8b pure silver in warehouses total. Another 1.4b extra in assets and like 600m+ from alt gear. Bunch of fashion. As you can see on pics then 7k free pearls to use and 3.3k loyalty. Sorc having high life skills to use etc. If theres any information you need then hit me up. Also i won't lower price since I think it's already quite low compared to crap others sell and ask for.

    Asking 1k dollars.
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