Selling [Selling] EU Heroes of the storm Account LVL 1145 with an Smurf Cheap

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 2KG, 8/23/18.

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  1. 2KG

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    Hi guys

    Selling Hots Accounts cause no longer play on them :

    Main account :

    - ~6000 games

    - 1145 Levels

    - Not silenced, never received a warning or violation.

    - all heroes

    - 15K golds

    - have 90% items

    - Name change is unavailable.

    - 5 gems (most gems paid for loot box and skins)

    - season 1 2018 master . season 2 2018 Unranked . season 3 2018 gold (thx blizzard :D)

    - 55$ for negotiation

    smurf :

    - ~150 Levels

    - ~300 games

    - 36 Heroes

    - Heroes: Alestraza, Kel'thuzad, Lucio, Valeera, Zul'Jin, Alarak, Ragnaros, Gul'dan, Varian, Chromie, Tracer, Li-Ming, Greymane, Lunara, Artanis, Butcher, Kael'thas, Sylvanas, Thrall, Jaina, Azmodan, Li Li, Tychus, Arthas, Diablo, Illidan, Kerrigan, Malfurion, Nazeebo, Nova, Raynor, Valla, Zeratul, Falstad, meaive

    - Not silenced, never received a warning or violation.

    - Name change is unavailable.

    - Ranked stats - Season 1 2018 (TL Gold 2) Season 2 2018 (TL Platinum2) Current season (TL Diamond 4) ---- HL all season (Unranked)

    - 5K golds

    - 5 legendary skins

    - Price -7$

    (I've calculated each game i played 0.01$)

    via paypal
    can use middleman

    Please contact with me via PM or discord for more info - dark#8959
    Thank you for reading
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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