I have been playing Hearthstone since closed beta and never missed playing single month. I was also a streamer on Twich for a short period of time and shared my knowledge to other players. Nevertheless, I have been playing straight every day for at least an hour, never used bots or something that should be afraid off one day Blizzard would ban an account. All in all, full collection of season cardback are obtained, and of course may other including Legendary cardback. Most desirable cardback season 1, that shows you are true veteran of the game, and a legendary cardback that shows your dedication and true skill. Some other informations: 130+ Legendaries, including most legendaries you'll need. 9101 Total Wins in Ranked Play Mode (Best place 130 Legendary). 237 Total wins in Arena (12 Wins Arena Key achieved). Alterative Heroes: Medivh (Mage) Arthas (Paladin) Alleria (Hunter) Tyrande (Priest) Maiev (Rogue) Magni (Warrior) At the moment there is: 10000+ Gold 9000+ Dust With this ammount of resources (including disenchanting all willd cards) you are good to play all decks for at least untill beggning of 2019 without a worry to spend additional money. All adventures: The Frozen Throne Karazhan League of Explorers Blackrock Mountain Naxxramas This is a good collectors account, but unfortunately I can no longer dedicate so much time to play and be in touch with the game. Selling my Hearthstone accounts means I sell my full Battlenet account, including other games. For any further informations do not hesitate to ask. I am looking around 1500$ and can also sell it for 0.15 BTC. Thank you for viewing, and PM me for any further informations ; ) - P3sho