Sold [Selling] [EU] Gold 1?=3.5g | Items | Powerleveling | Trusted and Guaranteed Delivery

Discussion in 'Rust Account for Sale - Buy Rust Accounts' started by Spectaculary, 7/2/18.

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  1. Spectaculary

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    If you're playing on EU and need any help with getting some gold or items, or even leveling on your character(s), you can contact me by pm or skype and I will explain everything and how it's done.

    G O L D

    1? = 3.5g


    Price changes everyday.

    I T E M S

    1 Lvl 45 Weapon

    1-Handed(sword,mace,shield) = 2?

    2-Handed(bow,staff,axe) = 3? Accessory Magic Stones = 2? Whirlwind Magic Stone = 3?

    ( you will NOT lose gold after we trade )

    Pm me if you need any other item, we can discuss

    L E V E L I N G

    Lvl 1 - 45 = 60?

    From 3 to 5 days depending on server and class.

    Payment Methods:

    Paypal, Paysafecard(+20%), Skrill(+20%)

    Skype: wnhweather​

    1. If you pay with paypal you have to include the following message:
    I, [your name], authorize this transaction and will not dispute.

    2. Buying is final and non-refundable.
    3. Prices may vary in time, depending on ingame economy.
    4. You agree with all the above mentioned terms.​
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    #1 Spectaculary, 7/2/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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