Server Killian Veteran Account 8 Character Slot 4 Bank Tab Castanic Male Sorcerer Champion Laurel Weaponcrafting Master Created at vm2 patch i still have Bandersnatch's Cube in bank vm2 untradeable material All reputations revered including Agnitor and Noctenium 18 Mounts 11 from tera shop including Crit Dragon 1.5 mighty armored dragon and reputation mount Black Leopard Mounts costumes Gear pve Weapon imperator vm7 +15 22 Crit Factor Etching With Dyad Crystals Hands imperator vm7 +12 22 Crit Factor Etching Armor Ambush vm8 +12 10 Endurance Etching Feet Behemoth vm8.5 +12 10 Endurance Etching Belt Ambush Underwear +12 Crit Factor Brooch: Quatrefoil Brooch +6 +4 crit roll 10Crit Factor Focused Daidem 8 Crit Factor pvp +12 full Conflate with 22crit rate etch on hands weapon 25crit resist etch on feet armor character profile Image Items 16936 Masterwork Alkahest 108 Semi Enigmatic Scroll 695 Master Enigmatic Scroll 6000 Tier 11 Feedstock 21 Behemoth Essence 500dollar my facebook. link message me here thanks other characters priest with full guile +12 and mystic warrior 65lvl without gear