EU -Fresh Prophecy server Class: Archer 55. Shadowplay 55. Auramancy 55. Songcraft 50. Defense 50. Battlerage 55 Occultism 50 sorcery 55 Witchcraft 54 Vitalism 50 Gear: Weapon: cursed obsidian (Bow) Celestial. Doomshadow Nodachi celestial 502 dps. Armor: Full gear Leather GHA celestial on the chest full gear cloth and plate arcane GHA on storage have obsidian T1 celestial: Jerkin,breeches,cap,boots and all weapon hasla full gear dawnsdrop for craft Jewels: Archeum Evernight Necklace Ranke 10 Divine. Dreadnaught's Earring (x2) Unique. Dreadnaught's Ring (x2) Heroic. Propierties: Armorer's Manor in sunbite wilds Farm 16x16 impruved solar impruved 24x24 have 9 specializations unlocked Profiency: 111k+ carpentery on the house for other look the screen http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1487778529/gijlcf1gn6jtvktkqxcf.jpg Gold 730 Credit 3300 Special Item : Scroll farm hauler for 6 pack Scroll Cogwheel Longboard combat per lv 50+ stormrose lv 50 and other.. My facebook.