Introducing you a super cleric account: Cleric2-Krivis-Dievdirbys3-Plague Doctor details: -LVL 280 Rank 7 good cleric build for both PvP and PvE -Server EU Fedimian -Solid attributes levels, for example level 77 Carve Owl and 49 Heal. -2 Premium Tokens -Lolopanther 2x pieces, Virtov robe, +14 Weapon, Max Petamion, 2x Wiz bracelet, e.t.c. -Skill/Stats Reset Potions -A lot of EXP tomes, dungeon reset scrolls, megaphones and warp scrolls -Solid attributes levels -LVL 10 Chapparition card x7 -Additional bonus 225 lvl pardoner. -Price is 299$ Paypal now. Click the button, select the product you want and purchase it. We will not receive your payment until you confirm full service delivery. You can also contact us in skype if you prefer direct payment: Or add me manually: toobadapple Or send me a private message here info: -Dievdirbys3 currently is the best choise for cleric class. Awesome damage and party buffs. Strong both in Earth Tower thanks to Owls damage and in PvP with massive team damage-immunity buff. -Plague Doctor is must have for party PvP and massive Guild vs Guild battles. He provide group-wide crowd control immunity, status ailments cleanse and some additional damage. -Krivis allow you to further increase the number of benefical effects for you and your party members. -Full CON build. Great in both PvP and PvE situations, since INT gives small benefits in current state of the game. You can always use availiable stat reset potion if you want different stat allocation. -LvL 18 Team level and lvl 280 pet. 17% additional experience and leveling help for your twinkies. list: -Lolopanther Leather Gloves (+6) -Lolopanther Leather Boots (+4) -M# Petamion (+3) -Virtov Leather Robe -Roxona Pants -Wizardard Bracers x2 -Superior Corona Rod +14 with 2x Blue level 5 Gems. Awakened with property attack. -Karacha Dagger. Awakened with property attack. -Catacombs Club. -Aias (+4). characters: LVL 225 Cleric2-Priest3-Pardoner2. For AFK-moneymaking via buff shop.