Selling Selling [EU Fedimian] LVL 207 Cleric2-Priest3-Chaplain

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jennahazee, 9/29/16.

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  1. Jennahazee

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    Cleric2-Priest3-Chaplain details:
    -Lvl 207 Rank 6
    -Server EU Fedemian
    -409 TP

    -A lot of EXP tomes and dungeon reset vouchers
    -Price is 89$ Paypal now.

    Click the button, select the product you want and purchase it.
    We will not receive your payment until you confirm full service delivery.

    can also contact us in skype if you prefer direct payment:

    Or add me manually: toobadapple
    Or send me a private message here
    Character description:

    -Good Support-Healer with an additional ability to do a damage. Great buffs, like Blessing, Aspersion, Revive and Divine Might. Ability to resurrect teammates, AoE healing, Safety Zone and much more. All that combined with Chaplain to do some additional damage from auto attack to several mobs.
    -Most basic attributes from cleric and Priest learned (like blessing, safety zone, heal, resurrect and revive duration)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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