Selling Selling [EU] Fedimian - 280 million worth of items

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adephx, 10/19/17.

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  1. Adephx

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    I'm taking a break from the game, so I decided to sell all of my gear, I am only selling everything as a BUNDLE.
    You can either sell the gear on AH for silver or use it yourself, I can provide the build which I am currently using.

    The price is 200€ or 0.69€/million

    PM me here, I only accept Paypal.

    Current Worth:

    +4 Lolopanther Plate Gauntlets 13/13 - 14mil
    +4 Lolopanther Plate Greaves 13/13 - 14mil
    +4 Lolopanther Plate Mail 13/13 - 28mil
    +4 Lolopanther Plate Leggings 13/13 - 28mil
    +4 Sissel Bracelet 10/10 - 9mil
    +4 Sissel Bracelet 10/10 - 9mil
    +4 Max Petamion 10/10 - 8mil
    +9 Wingshard Spear 1/13 - 3x lv7 Red Gem - 45mil
    +6 Emengard Shield 10/13 - 1x lv7 Green Gem - 70mil
    3x lv10 Nuaele Card - 24mil
    3x lv10 Gazing Golem Card - 21mil
    3x lv10 Centaurus Card - 18mil

    Total: 288mil
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