Selling Selling [EU] Fedimian - 130 Million

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adephx, 2/15/17.

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  1. Adephx

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    +4 Sissel Bracelet
    +4 Sissel Bracelet
    +4 Max Petamion
    +3 Virtov Plate Robe
    +3 Virtov Plate Pants
    +3 Virtov Plate Gloves
    +3 Virtov Plate Greaves
    Lolopanther Plate Greaves (1x level 7 Blue Gem)
    +6 Five Hammer (5x level 5 Red Gem)
    +3 Didel Tower Shield
    4x level 10 Nuaele Card (10% Mdef)
    2x level 7 Red Gem
    1x level 7 Green Gem
    1x level 7 Blue Gem
    Swordman Master Costume

    The items are worth approximately 130 millions and can be sold on the AH almost instantly (high demand items).
    I prefer to sell everything at once, as a bundle, willing to go as low as 150€.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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