Sold [Selling] EU Elite HS acc - 100% cards 170k dust. 95% cosmetics. Deluxe D3, SC2, WoW, OW

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zt1mQ, 6/18/17.

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  1. Zt1mQ

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    100% of all non-golden cards. 0 golden expert cards.

    170k dust and 8k gold - this is enough for 3-4 upcoming patches or for 3-4 full golden tier1 decks.

    Inkeeper card collection: Zt1mQ'''s Profile - Member List - HearthPwn

    ALL(9) golden portraits

    ALL portraits: Alleria, Medivh, Magni, Lyadrin, Khadgar, Morgl, Tyrande and Maev

    Naxx, Blackrock, LoE and Karazhan unlocked.

    Cardbacks 65 of 69:
    Fireside and Legendary cardbacks.
    Collector's Editions: WoW Draenor deluxe, SC2: LotV Deluxe and Overwatch Origins cardbacks.
    Blizzcon: 2014, 2015, 2016.
    Promo: HotS and Samsung Galaxy.
    Tavern Brawls: Christmas and D3 20 years event.
    Pre-order: Blackrock, TGT, WotOG, Karazhan.
    E-sport: TesPA and Power Core.
    Heroic: Naxx, Blackrock, LoE, Karazhan.
    All seasonal except Pandaria.
    Heroes: Medivh, Magni, Alleria, Tyrande.


    D3 RoS Deluxe 4k paragon.
    More info: EU Elite 4000p RoS acc. HS(100% cards) + Deluxe WoW Legion + SC2LotV + OW Origins


    HotS: noob account.
    22 lvl, Stitch, Artanis, Illidan, Diablo, Butcher, Valla, ChoGall, Kael unlocked.


    WoW Draenor Deluxe and WoW Legion Deluxe.
    SC2 LotV Deluxe.
    Overwatch Origins.


    I'm the first owner of this account, you still can change you battletag ONCE for free.

    $1337 o.n.o.
    Web-money and QIWI are preferable payment options, but we can discuss others.
    Can give all prooves via skype screen demonstration.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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