Sold [Selling] EU Elite 4000p RoS acc. HS(100% cards) + Deluxe WoW Legion + SC2LotV + OW Origins

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zt1mQ, 6/18/17.

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  1. Zt1mQ

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    Diablo3 Deluxe RoS EU:

    NEVER USED BOT or D3Helper.

    15 character slots.

    4000 NS paragon.

    Ideal gear for monks and wizards. Decent for impale DH

    Top 5 NS solo monk
    Top 10 NS solo wiz
    Top 3 NS 4man

    130 bane of the trapped
    130 bane of the stricken

    125 zei stone
    125 simplicity strength
    125 gogok
    120-122 bane of the powerfull, molten gizzard, taeguk.

    10 116th caldessans
    13+ 111th caldessans
    20+ 70th caldessans.

    Average resources dew to never used bot:
    30k breath, 30k souls, 10+k others.

    Maximum 10 stash tabs.

    7 wings: seasonal(Andariel), Cosmic(from rainbow goblin), both green(master set dungeons), falcon(chest), mercy(Overwatch Origins), Illidan's(WoW Legion Deluxe)
    8th wings - Kerringan from latest HotS event - unlocked for 2.6.0

    35 pets: 20 from goblin, Liv Moore, RoS Deluxe dog, SC2:LotV Deluxe protoss pet, murloc and diablo2(blizzcon virtual tickets), cow and butcher(old tristram event), some seasonal(dog, horse, treant, stone)
    Portraits: Overwatch, HotS event, murloc from blizzcon ticket, rainbow from Sir Whilliam, angel and demon from old Tristram event, close to all seasonal
    18flags: 12 from set dungeons, HotS event flag, WOW Draenor deluxe Warsong flag, fallen penant, blizzcon 2015 flag and 2 seasonal flags.
    Transmogs: all from mystic chests, Illidans helmet from Deluxe WoW Legion, 6 transmogs from Blizzcon 2014, Deluxe RoS transmogs, protoss armor from Deluxe SC2:LotV


    Hearthstone(100% of all cards).
    More info:


    HotS: noob account.
    22 lvl, Stitch, Artanis, Illidan, Diablo, Butcher, Valla, ChoGall, Kael unlocked.


    WoW Draenor Deluxe and WoW Legion Deluxe.
    SC2 LotV Deluxe.
    Overwatch Origins.


    I'm the first owner of this account, you still can change you battletag ONCE for free.

    $1337 o.n.o.
    Web-money and QIWI are preferable payment options, but we can discuss others.
    Can give all prooves via skype screen demonstration.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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