Selling good battlenet acc. Account: - Clean account with no bans/suspensions ever - BattleID name change available Games HS+Diablo3purchased. WOW and Starcraft starter edition. Hearthstone legendary cards Malorne Fandral Staghelm Aviana Cenarius Rhonin Archmage Antonidas Ragnaros Lighlord Tirion Fordring Vol'jin Herald Volazj Confessor Paletress Prophet Velen Neptulon The Mistcaller Alakir the Windlord ---GOLDEN Hallazeal the Ascended Malganis Jarraxus Grommash Hellscream Xaril,Poisoned Mind Shifter Zerus Baron Rivendare King Mukla Fjola Lightbane Sir Finley Mrrgglton Bloodmage Thalnos Brann Bronzebeard Moroes Feugen Loatheb Stalagg Maexxna Troggzor the Earthinator Foe Reaper 4000 Mekgineer Thermaplugg Majordomo Executus Kel Thuzard Toshley Captain Greenskin Blingtron 3000 The Skeleton Knight Mukla Tyrant of the Vale Illidan Stormrage Sneed's Old Shredder Barnes Elise Starseeker Nexus,Champion Sarrad Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Cairne Bloodhoof Emperor Thaurissan Justicar Trueheart Reno Jackson Sylvanas Windrunner The Black Knight Baron Geddon Chillmaw The Curator Twin Emperor Vek'lor Chromaggus Ragnaros the Firelord Alexstrasza Arch-Thief Rafaam Malygos Nefarian Sogoth the Slytherer Ysera Cthun Dearthwing Onyxia Nzoth the Corruptor Yogg-Saron Hope's End Old Murk-Eye Prince Malchezaar Mediv the Guardian Dr BOOM ---GOLDEN Deathwing Dragonlord ---GOLDEN YShaaraj Played alot HS,D3 in the begining-finished it 4 times,stoped playing,lvl 60 witchdoctor.Selling BNET acc with everything as described. Spent cca 700$ on HS.Almost every common,rare and epic in HS.Alot of them golden.Over 7200 dust for 4 legendaries.Lots of card backs. Golden mage hero.Paladin,Hunter,Warrior 60 lvl.Tyrande priest. Any questions please ask.My mail is [email protected] you.Price 350$