Selling Eu battle net ! Legion + sc2 + d3 + hots.. 864ilvl dh - 850ilvl mage

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bronzebeard, 10/12/16.

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  1. Bronzebeard

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    Starcraft 2 Legacy of The Void
    Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
    Heroes of Storm LvL 30 has around 10 Heroes.
    Hearthstone all chars opened.
    WoW Legion subscription until 18.10.2016 (better be fast.)
    Have all the informations.

    11k Achievement Points.
    Main Server Twisting Nether (Have around 40k Gold in this server.)
    (You can check gears and other things from armory!)
    Twisting Nether Chars! (HORDE)
    Muriidan LvL 110 Demon Hunter 864 iLvL (Has Curve Heroic Emerald Nightmare)
    Miodia LvL 110 Mage 850 iLvL
    Muriman LvL 102 Shaman
    Holinek LvL 101 Paladin
    Tipsizkazim LvL 100 Hunter
    Animon LvL 100 Druid
    Healzort LvL 100 Monk
    Vorlock LvL 100 Warlock
    Rohip LvL 100 Priest
    Vatevir LvL 100 Rogue
    Yaratiq LvL 100 Warrior
    Cowmilky LvL 100 Death Knight
    Have some other 100's on different servers too but they're unimportant for the price. Giving em for free I guess. But if you curious they're on Defias Brotherhood - Emeriss servers.

    Dont have much different mount, have invincible for example. If you care about mounts you can grind all raids with those 12 lvl 100+. That means you'll have 12x chance to drop.

    Skype : muroodcan for more info.

    Price : 500 $

    Payment : Skrill
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