Sold Selling EU Alustin - Level 55 Tamer,51 Ranger, 51 Sorc

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jimmybob1, 10/13/16.

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  1. jimmybob1

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    This account is in the game from the headstart.
    The Tamer main grear is builded for the later coming Ninja/Kunoichi.

    (EU)Alustin server
    - Level 55 Tamer
    [133AP;177DP] (Breath lvl.31; Strenght lvl.30; Health lvl.28)
    (full +15 Ultimate Grunil, +15 liverto shortsword, +15 Needle Trinket, Tree Spirit Belt, Necklace of Good Deeds, 2xDUO Ring of Good Deeds,1xPri Witch's earring, 1xWitch's earring);

    - Level 51 sorceress

    -Level 51 Ranger
    [127AP;128DP] (level 29 breath)
    (+15 liverto longbow,+15 Steel Dagger of Destruction, +15Grunil Armor, +12 Grunil Helmet, +10Grunil Shoes and +10gloves, 2x Witch's earring, 1xDuo/1xPri Ring of good Deeds)

    - 2 pet
    - 123 mil silver
    - 310mil silver worth in warehouse
    - 5599 loyalities atm
    - Total 7 Charachter slot
    - 238 total energy, 159 contribution points
    - 233 title
    - lvl 25. Artisan Human worker, level 25 Pro Human, level 26 Pro Giant and more.
    and stuff.


    Please send me offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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